RoidGear.Net News: Bodybuilding Best Practices during Ramadan

People during Ramadan are increasingly into building a better shape, as it coincides with the last month of spring, the perfect time to prepare the summer body.

The idea of not eating for 4-5 hours is already terrifying for bodybuilders. Fasting for more than 16 hours is like torturing them mentally and physically.

Fasting for many hours makes your body dehydrated and out of energy. Food and water are the body’s main sources of energy; without them people feel weak and tired.

Bodybuilding and sports in general require a source of energy like food that contains carbohydrates and natural sugars, such as bananas, oat flakes and sweet potatoes.

Throughout Ramadan it is nearly impossible to build muscle. Bodybuilders must dedicate the month to maintaining muscularity or losing fat.

Even after breaking the fast, it is hard to satisfy your body’s need for protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fat in the same way as normal days.

Some people believe that eating from sundown until dawn will help them compensate for the long fasting hours. But they are wrong. Medical research says that testosterone, the male hormone responsible for muscle growth, is released in high amounts during sleep. The more you sleep, the more your testosterone increases.

There is a debate between bodybuilders on when to train during Ramadan. Some prefer to train right before f’tour, believing that it is better for muscle growth as they go immediately after to feed their bodies. Others believe that training two to three hours after f’tour is more beneficial.

Morocco World News sought the expertise of a Moroccan national and continental champion bodybuilder, Mustapha Bouden, known as “Mustapha Rasta.” He confirmed that training before breaking the fast may bring terrible results to the body. He rather encourages people to train after f’tour.

“Many people approach me with questions about how and when to train during Ramadan,” said Bouden, adding that “the perfect timing to train is after feeding your body by two hours,” arguing “during Ramadan the body is out of food and water which mean out of energy.”

“People may have a headache while training and may have muscle loss instead,” he said. “In order to grow your muscles, you must feed them properly at least five time a day with meals rich in calories, carbohydrates and protein which is hard to keep up with during Ramadan. If lucky the muscle can be sustained if not lost.”

Fasting and fat loss

On the other hand, the 30 days of fasting can be beneficial for losing fat. Given the number of hours of starving, the body starts fueling itself through the glycogene that is stored in the liver and muscles. Once the glycogene is gone, the body breaks down both muscle and fat to refuel itself.

To enhance fat loss, consider adding some cardio sessions to your training program and eat a f’tour high in protein and low in carbohydrates.

The amount of fat loss will depend on the food eaten and on the amount and type of activities engaged in during the fast.

Maintaining muscle

Thus, to reduce body fat without losing muscle, bodybuilders need a calorie deficit program. By decreasing the amount of calories that your body needs, it will eventually start burning fat.

The best way to lose fat while sustaining the muscle is to adopt a carb cycling program, which is recommended by Jamo Nezzar, a retired professional bodybuilder and internationally renowned personal training expert.

Carb cycling is the consumption of carbohydrates through rotations. It alternates between high, medium and low-carbohydrate days. The amount of carbohydrates eaten depends on your training days.

If it is a four-day training program (divided into two intense sessions, one rest day and then two moderate sessions, saving the weekend for resting), consider consuming high carbohydrates and protein on intense days, lower the carbohydrates or cut them out during rest-days, and moderate carbohydrate intake in the moderate sessions.

Cardio sessions are always necessary, whether a person wants to lose fat or to build muscle, as they helps improve endurance and heart function.

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Build Your Body And Stimulate Your Performance With Primobolan

The Primobolan or Primo is a known anabolic steroid, but also the sweetest. This anabolic product, which has no negative effects on the liver, helps users to constantly redefine performance improvement. It has the ability to stimulate the body to produce more active testosterone. In addition, it is also effective in reducing androgen and estrogen levels (DHT).

The recommended dose of Primobolan is at least 400mg per week. The doses can be taken with or without meals. This medication is recommended for women with a dosage of 100mg per week.

Primobolan is usually added with Dianabol, Clenbuterol or Anadrol during a steroid cycle.

Build your body with

Build Your Body With Deca-Durabolin One Of The Top 10 Anabolic Steroids

Also known as DecaouDeca, the Deca is an anabolic steroid that can find its place in a list of top 10 Anabolic Steroids “. This product provides a minimum of androgenic effects so that users can enjoy their benefits without exposing themselves to the side effects of steroids. No adverse effects on the liver, Deca-Durabolin is mainly used to increase protein synthesis, increase nitrogen retention and increase collagen synthesis. It also relieves the joints.

The recommended dose of Deca Durabolin is 200-400 mg a week for men and 100-200 mg every week for women. Deca-Durabolin can be taken with or without meals.

This anabolic must be linked to testosterone.

Build your body with

Get Quick Results To Build A Body Of Steel Using Dianabol

Also known as Methandrostenolone, Methendienone or d-bol, Dianabol is an anabolic steroid that can bring dramatic results in a short time.

This powerful product promotes the process of protein synthesis that helps in the development of muscle mass and muscle size. It is just as effective in maintaining glycogen during a mass gain cycle when it comes to developing solid muscle mass.

Dianabol can have adverse effects on the liver, so use protections during the course of Dianabol: Samarin, Legalon, Tudca …

The recommended dose of Dianabol is 20-80 mg daily, doses can be taken with or without meals. Dianabol is usually added with other anabolic steroids like Testosterone, Deca-Durabolin, Winstrol or Clenbuterol.

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Build Your Body With Winstrol One Of The Top 10 Steroids For Athletes

Le Stanozolol is one of the most popular molecules for athletes from all walks of life. His popularity is so great that he carries several cute little names that fit him perfectly. “Win” “Winny” “Winstrol” and many other variations are used to talk about anabolic steroid AA17.

Available in the form of oral ou injection, Winstrol will inevitably to be on the list of top 10 steroids. This is because this product produces exemplary performance and is very effective in promoting improvements in hardness and muscle power.

The fact that taking Winstrol does not expose users to the side effects of steroids that are common with most anabolic steroids makes it possible to achieve the best gains with confidence.

This derivative of testosterone, the male sex hormone, effectively stimulates the production of stromelysin, prostaglandin E2 and collegenase matrix metalloproteinases to promote solid muscle growth. The recommended dose of this anabolic, oral and injectable form is 10-100 mg (milligrams) per day, which can be taken with or without meals. Winstrol is usually used with other anabolic like Deca, Primobolan, Testosterone Propionate, Dianabol, Trenbolone or Clenbuterol.

Build your body with

Anavar One Of The Most Used Steroids To Build Your Body

Also known as Oxandrolone, Anavar is one of the most widely used steroids and perhaps the most recommended anabolic steroids. This drug does not equal when it comes to facilitating a speedy recovery after surgery or recurrent infection … but it is equally effective for promoting strength gains without gaining weight. Anavar is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivative that is available in both oral and injectable forms.

Anavar is hepatotoxic. It is therefore advisable, as with all oral anabolic steroids, to protect your liver during an Anavar cure.

For Anavar cycles, the recommended dose is 20-40 mg daily for men and 10-20 mg daily for women; Doses can be taken with or without meals. It is generally associated with other anabolic steroids such as Dianabol, Winstrol, Primobolan and Sustanon 250.

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Our Ranking Of The Best Steroids

The anabolic steroids can be used as performance enhancing substances that significantly develop the body strength, muscle mass and endurance without causing a feeling of fatigue or restlessness. These are just a few of the benefits of steroids from an infinity.

In the world of anabolic steroids, you have an infinite choice of steroids available, but finding the right one and the best can be a daunting task in the absence of knowledge. This article will help you to get clear and complete information on this topic so that decision making becomes easy so you can optimize the benefits of anabolic products in the short and long run.

Ten of the most popular steroids that are admired by professional athletes, celebrities and fitness amateurs are to be discovered below:

Sustanon 250

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